Graphic Designer at Proof Inc.
User experience design, Interaction design, Interface design, Animation, Prototyping & testing

It's Just Rice Campaign Site

The Challenge

Many Canadians believe Minute Rice has been modified to cook faster; raising questions about quality and whether it’s healthy, but this is far from the truth. Minute Rice is simply rice and in order to inform and educate users we were tasked with creating a campaign landing page to promote the “it’s just rice” campaign. However, we realized a full landing page was not required and in fact it would make more sense to have the campaign live in on the existing Minute Rice site. 

The Solution

Redesign the Minute Rice homepage to house our new campaign content, including our Out of Home content, streeter videos, and a new, short animated video that introduces users to the story we’re telling about Minute Rice products.  

See the site here!


Mid Fidelity Designs

In the first round we presented 2 landing page concepts to the client for their feedback.


High Fidelity Designs

Using a tile style layout we highlighted the different parts of our campaign, including streeter videos and OOH advertising. Content blocks would open in a lightbox format once clicked to reveal further content. On load, the story video will auto play and once finished the other assets, such as the rice asterisk, will animate. 

Animated Video

Using a simple illustrated style, we showed just how simple the Minute Rice preparation process really is. From the field, to the Minute Rice kitchen, and finally the home, we show that Minute Rice prepares their product in a natural, intuitive, and relatable way.


Tools: Sketch, Invision, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects